Qubani ka meetha is a traditional Hyderabadi dessert made from dried apricots! The dried apricots are soaked,deseeded and then cooked along with sugar to form an amber coloured saucy syrup.
This dessert is the most popular one in hyderabadi weddings! Qubani ka meetha is served with a topping of thick cream,generally I have seen some variations in the toppings,you can put custard or thick cream or even a scoop of vanilla ice cream!You can also put the apricot kernels in it to make the dessert nutty!In my recipe,when I was deseeding the soaked apricots and breaking the shells to take out almonds,Sameeha was sitting on the counter and watching the whole procedure,she got really excited to see tiny almonds coming out of the apricots, and was popping in the almonds as i deseeded each of 'em, so I chopped the regular almond & mixed it with the dessert.
The preparation is too simple,the result is too good and rich. I tell you, dont eat this in a hurry,take your time and let your taste buds tickle with each mouthful of this nutty dessert! A perfect end for a sumptuous hyderabadi meal of Biryani and mirchiyon ka saalan.
As far as I remember,mom used to put qubani:sugar in the ratio of 1:1,i.e the weight of qubaani before soaking and deseeding it,I saw in the recipes online,very less quantity of sugar relatively,so you can adjust according to your taste ,because generally qubaani is little bit sour,so the sugar content will mask the sourness of the apricot,so you can go either way.I used 1:1 method.
Qubani/apricot-300 gms
thick cream for the topping
chopped almonds,for extra nutty dessert
food color(optional)
--Soak the qubaani overnight in water or at least for 4 hours.
--After getting soaked qubani will swell double its size,deseed and keep the seeds aside.
--Now take about 2 glasses of water and boil the deseeded apricot till it is soft andd mushy.When it is mushy press the mushy apricot with the back of the spoon to the walls of the saucepan,when the consistancy has reached the semi liquid state,add sugar,mix well and if you want a darker colour you can add food colour.
--Let it cook on low heat,meanwhile break the seeds that you deseeded from apricot to get a tiny heart shaped almond from it!
--Put the almonds in the qubani mixture,if for some reason(my reason,Sameha ate all:D) you fail to get apricot almonds deseeded,you can chop regular almonds and stir in the apricot mixture.
--When the desired consistency is reached,remove from heat and serve at room temperature or chilled, Spread thick cream on the qubani ka meetha generously.
--Close your eyes and enjoy each mouthfull.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Lubna of Yummy food has honoured my blog with an award,my first award....thank you so much Lubna
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I would like to nominate Mona,Yasmeen,Anjum,Armina. congratulation to all!

Thank u Syeda, u are so wonderful to keep all authentic recipes of Hyderabad...being an pakka Hyderabadi, i feel so proud to cook n serve our delicacy's to friends here in USA...and all the credit goes to you...thanks once again from bottom of my heart...
Awesome recipe! You made it sound so simple:)..Qubani is truly the king of Hyderabdi desserts..I remember mom preparing lots of it at one go and store it in the fridge..We used to then enjoy it for days end:)
Qubani ka meetha with slice of icecream... its just mouthwatering.
Being an ardent sweet lover,
I remember I used to finish off my food first in dawats and wait for the mittha so that I can have bigger share of icecream :)
Asalam-wa-lekum syeda,the meetha with custard or icecream is awesome,nice to c u posting all traditinal recipes..ur recipe is simple and easy
salam syeda,just visited ur wonderful site & luv all ur recipes. ur hyderbadi dessert looks so sweet & yummy.
Beautiful description of one of the most yummy Hyderabadi desserts. Looks absolutely scrumptious. Keep up the good work!
asak syeda,Im a mother to two lovely boys Alhamdulillah..a toddler and an infant.I found some quality time today and read up all of your blog from the first post to the last..tell u what..you are doing an awesome job.I truly enjoyed all the stuff that you have written about..and you have very aptly described your blog's name as well!Its a very spicy version of life..your blog!I enjoyed reading what all Huda likes and then i cried listening to the song from Taare Zameen Par.Life truly has many ups and downs..but yes we should remember to thank Allah in every situation.I agree and support you in all your efforts in parenting two kids,it is rewarding though taxing at times!!!Cheers to your work.Lovely photo collage and video clips as well!I have bookmarked!Allah bless you!
Dear Syeda,
I came across your blog today and checked out all the entries i am also from hyderabad and settled in Dubai from last 5 years, i was so excited to see all the familiar dishes with lovely pictures, i congratulate you for your good efforts,keep up the good job !
Shukriya Mohtarma for presenting the award to me:) . Qubaani ka mittha is such a rich dessert.When in India, i tasted it in almost every Shaadi ki Daawat. Some of them indulged too much(2 to 3 bowls) of this sweet delight, unmindful of the consequences the next morning:). Moving to US, I cooked it up myself,couldn't believe its so simple to make and I love the nutty nuts in them. Thanks for bringing back the memories syeda:)
Thanks Syeda, we are proud be one of your family relatives and we do not belive that you are truly a good cook.
Hi syeda, Your blog is cute and the recipes posted are amazing.
This qubaabi ka meetha seems easy and tasty and will try it soon. Mutton rogan gohst is also new to me and tempting me a lot.
Useful blog. Congrats.
Syeda,I have an award waiting for you at my blog,please collect:)
Saritha:Thank you so much!I am floored:)
Zee:Yes this one is the simplest!qubaani still rules the wedding menus:)
Maimoona: yes yaar,now I remembered,how I used to finish the food first so that I get large share of vanilla ice ceam slab:)
Anjum: Thank you Anjum!
sweetbites:thank you!
AF:Thank you so much AF!It was really nice to know about you!I am really happy that you liked my blog,allthe efforts that I put in, are rewarded when I know that somebody is acually reading ad liking it!
Anonymous: Thank you so much!You are in Dubai.we should meet up:)
Yasmeen: pleasure is all mine(zahenaseeb:)) to pass on the award yasmeen!.I know each and every food has memories associated with it...
viki xavier: Thanx
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